The Question
A 5-day wilderness-based journey into the question you’ve been asking your entire life.
What if this question Is the “quest you’re on?”
british columbia, CAnada
May 15- 19
If you become quiet enough you will hear it
If you become still enough you will feel it
If you go deep enough you will live it
The why
Why do we ask questions?
What’s on the other side of them?
When do we really receive the answer?
Where do we receive them? Through what means?
What are the consequences of not living the answers we receive?
“The answers to our questions live in story of who we are. These stories live in our body, in the land we are from, and from the way we paint the world with our expression.”
- Tina Overbury
the guides
I am Tom Lancaster. I have been asking questions since before I can remember. I am building a movement of Initiated Transformational Leaders who are consciously evolving the systems humanity has unconsciously created.
The Question I have been asking since I was a boy is this:
“Why does none of this make sense? What is the Truth?”
I am Tina Overbury and I am an expressive arts therapist (in training), storyteller, and group facilitator. I offer over 30 years of experience in story work, space-holding and deep listening. My approach is rooted in myth, mysticism, and ceremony.
The Question I have been asking since I was a girl is this:
Is it okay for me to be me? Here?
I am Adam Tutor. I am leading a micro-movement of men and boys across the threshold of transformation and back to a place of service where they can feel their hearts, heal their families, and serve the world.
The Question I have been asking since I was a boy is this:
“How do I love people completely without causing them harm?”
the Format
Over the course of 5 days we will wander into the wild equipped with the tools of storytelling, creative expression, deep listening, yogic meditation, conscious connection, wilderness-based wisdom, and backcountry boldness.
We will walk together. We will dance together. We will sit in silence together.
We will challenge each other. We will embrace each other. We will watch over each other.
We will bring our questions into council every night and give them to the fire so that more can emerge, and we will distill them into a guiding light that will inform everything we do moving forward.
Day 1 - The Intention/ The Letting Go
Day 2 - The Story / The Calling In
Day 3 - The Path / The Setting Forth
Day 4 - The Vision / The Deep Listening
Day 5 - The Integration / The Return
What’s next?
Is this mysterious enough for you?
Are you curious about what this really means and where it is and how it is and all of that?
Do you have a lot of Questions? (cheeky, but had to do it)
Email us with subject line “The Question” at adam.j.tutor@gmail.com
Click on the invitation below to join our info/exploratory sessions every Tuesday 12:30-1:30 PST.