An invitation

Fellow Wild Hearted One…

…thank you for saying “Yes”.  It is a rare gift to follow the mysterious whisper that comes from the silence of nature. To walk with great awareness into the shadow of the forest and listen for the answers to the questions yet revealed. And in that place, to divest yourself of the roles thus far played and return to the road of remembrance. I am blessed to walk with you on that road.

 For me it was Yosemite Valley in the sunlight, the waterfall 8 miles deep into the Grand Canyon, the juniper and live oak of West Texas mountains, the rainbow that cast itself across the white sand desert in winter. For you, the voice of God/Spirit/Mother Nature will come in its own magical and unexpected way. 

 Upon the altar, within the sacred circle, beside the fire, you will sit with your brothers and call in the memory of the men who came before you, your elders and teachers. You will invoke within your body their power and spirit, and in that process call upon the courage of transformation.  You will take that resilient heart into the stillness and solitude of the great outdoors. When you return, your soul will have touched something brand-new, and I’ll be there to help that brand-new something become a gift to the world around you.  

So, will you commit to preparing for the trek?  To being fully present on the trail? AND to bringing your gift down the mountain into the world? 

 A teacher of mine once said that “the tears of men will heal the world” and to that I add – “only if we let the world see them”.  It’s time to open our hearts, to raise up our voices, and to access the full masculine potential within us. It’s time to become a Bolder Man.

 In Service,



My story