A coach is a cheerleader for your greatness

wilderness informed coaching

Coaching is the long-game.  It is the daily preparation for that one defining moment on the stage, the big game, the interview that will change your life.  Except the stage is your marriage/occupation/purpose on this planet, the big game is the development of healthy habits that impact everyone, and the interview is your relationship with God.

The approach

We will address the aspects of your mindset that are inhibiting the ability to remain centered, grounded, and in a place of loving awareness through your expansive capacity to hold the wildness of life. What is your self-talk like? How do you celebrate yourself?  How do you get out of mindloops that keep you stuck? Why are you punishing yourself for trauma that is not your fault?  We will survey the land, find the source of any poison, start digging, find the roots, excavate them, and plant new seeds of consciousness in your mind.


We will address the aspects of your physical health and embodiment that will bring your journey into a sensory experience, a place of relationship, a true engagement with action and continuous movement. What is your relationship to your body? How does your health impact your current ability to show up in the world? Are you able to truly feel emotions within you and then move through them? What would happen if you danced more?  We will tap into the landscape of your body, assess the resourced and depleted places, bring nutrients into that soil, and create an ecosystem within you that allows for a flourishing in all seasons of life


We will address your current commitment to your spiritual sadhana, your way of practicing the inviting and invoking of Spirit/God/Your Higher Power in all aspects of your life. When’s the last time you spoke to God? How much time do you spend each day listening? What’s your connection to nature? We will come into greater attunement with the natural world around you, create a sacred circle where safety is maintained, and call in the flora and fauna, the spirits and sacraments of the land in order to inspire a healing that goes beyond the surface of your life.


The Tools

  • Embodiment Practices (Movement, Breath, Meditation)

  • Wilderness-Oriented Therapy (i.e. activities with the elements to heal and ground yourself and find a deeper relationship with Spirit).

  • Nonviolent Communication

  • Accountability/Integrity Masculine Processes

  • Inner Child Work

  • Hero’s Journey Explorations

  • Intimacy Work (Inner & Outer)

  • Mission Focus & Mindset

Men are Seeking

Purpose / Mission Clarity

Fulfilling, Clear, and Inspiring Relationships


Deepening with Spirit

Conscious Brotherhood

Nervous System Regulation

Connection with Nature

The Gifts They Receive

A Mission Greater Than Themselves

Becoming the Father/Son/Husband They’ve Always Wanted To Be

Receiving Unconditional Love (From Yourselves and Others)

A Daily Devotional Practice

A Sacred Circle of Men Who Stand Beside Them

Groundedness, Centeredness, Ease In Their Body

A Profound Relationship With the Wild

Adam Tutor is a spiritual wilderness guide and men's capacity coach who has recently transplanted from Texas to the Pacific Northwest to pursue his lifelong dream of healing the hearts of men in the holy havens of nature. Through 1-on-1 coaching, immersive wilderness retreats, and sacred circles, he reignites men's relationship with Spirit by leading them back to the earth. He is currently writing his first book "More Men Meditating (And How It Will Heal the World)", a guidebook and testimony, and it will be due out Spring 2024. 


3-Month Coaching
Every month

The most basic way to get involved and start your healing journey.

✓ Two coaching calls / mo
✓ Half-Day Nature Immersion
✓ 1-week of Signal support / mo
6-Month VIP Coaching Package
One time
For 6 months

A full-time support system for you, ready to serve you in every season.

✓ 3 Coaching Calls / mo
✓ Unlimited Signal Access (Weekdays)
✓ Inclusion in 7-week online men's group
✓ 50% off Signature 3-Day, 3-Night Retreat
✓ Invitation to DoW Alumni Signal Group

Not ready to commit?

All good! I want to get to know your story and make sure you feel seen and heard in all your needs as a man about to make a big investment in his future.

Please join me on a free, no pressure, 30-min discovery call to open the door to your vision and see what’s possible.