I Am here to heal the hearts of men by walking with them into the wild places

-Adam Tutor


1:1 Coaching

True change requires consistency, presence, and devotion. Coaching offers this in a potent personalized package to propel you forward in living your passion and purpose.

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wild discipline

A 6-Month Rites of Passage journey that welcomes men and boys into the same circle. A sacred circle where elders are present, the fire burns bright, and we walk with each other across the mountain.

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The Pillars

Sacred Brotherhood

Do you have men in your life with whom you can laugh joyously, cry openly? With whom you can express your anger in a conscious way? Men that will hold you to the fire then hold you in their arms?

I didn’t think these men existed. Here’s how finding them inspired me to the work I lead today.

Men's Work Made Me The Man I Am

nature immersion

Exposure to the elements is at the core of man’s spirit, it is where he is tested and where he remembers his capacity. Daily engagement with earth, water, air, and fire is proven to reduce stress, improve happiness, and support mental health.

A free resource is calling us home - all we have to do is listen more deeply, then answer the call.

Reflections From Men

archetypal embodiment

Models of masculinity have been passed down from our most ancient ancestors, yet we have lost touch with many of their gifts.

We can only reclaim them when we become them, by feeling them in our bodies and harnessing their strength.

The King, Warrior, Magician & Lover

masculine meditation

The highest form of masculine presence is stillness and silence, the ability to be with all that is in the world. The greatest way to achieve stillness and silence is to find it in the depths of meditation.

Begin your meditation journey with simple steps, and don’t expect results if you don’t put in the work.

A Meditation on Unconditional Love

rites of passage

preparation is the journey. the journey is the vision. the vision is now

Through these pillars we will walk the trail together and discover your unique vision - the charge you have been given to be of greatest service in a world that is calling men to act and speak from their heart. Let’s return their together.
